Sunday, September 16, 2001

roto-rooter rode 'er scooter down the city seeew-er!

did somebody say "DEALS??" (then a guy with a white top hat and some girls pop up behind him singing, "DEALS! DEALS! DEALS!"

with her purple star and her horse starlight, wow! (WOW) I can make things happy and bright!

irwin mcnutty.

the nerf twins dance-- wah wah wah wah WAAAAAH WAAAAAH....

that one pit on the ET atari game where no one knew how to get out of... and michael recording his victory over the Empire Strikes Back game...

has anyone noticed most of our fondest memories come from television and video games??? is that SAD to anyone else but me?

or what about that one time in the basement around halloween you constructed a haunted house where all the fiberglass was, and had amber and joanne pop out of boxes to scare me... oooh, and the time michael nailed a sprinkler to the fence and put up christmas lights...

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